The year is 1975. A drug cartel has emerged in the town of Medellin, Colombia that smuggles cocaine to neighbouring countries as well as the United States. As an investigative journalist, your editor has sent you on the task to find the man behind it all and reveal his identity to the world. Despite having a preconceived idea on the person’s identity, journalism is about the truth and proof to support it! Previously you’ve trailed who you suspected were members of this “Medellin Cartel” to a safe house they use to store and distribute their drugs. You have decided to see if you can find answers there. There is an open window for about 60 mins time when the current guard leaves and before a new one arrives. Find the evidence needed to expose this ring leader!
Standard Escape Room
Warning - Must be 18+ Coarse Language & Subjects
Difficulty: Medium
Group must be between 4-8 players
Suggested Group Size: 5 players
Duration: 60 Minutes

Fun Fact: This Escape room idea came from the t.v. show narcos.
Escape Rate: 35%
this is one of our most popular rooms for couples looking to do a date night and drinks!
the drugs in the room aren't real!